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About The Barefoot Writer Club

woman writing on laptop in park with books

Who We Are

The Barefoot Writer Club exists to help people make money through freelance writing.

We want to help new and established writers learn about the top writing careers available today, and to share the best tricks of the trade to accelerate your success.

Here, you’ll find plain and practical tips, tools, and advice on how to create a comfortable – even dream – lifestyle as a paid writer.

Meet our editorial team.

What We Do

At Barefoot Writer, we’re committed to teaching you how to be a better writer, and how to make companies – that pay well for writing – clamber to hire you.

We show writers everything they need to know to launch a successful writing career and start earning the money they deserve.

Julia Byrd: The Day I Became a Writer

Streamline your writing ability so you write more in less time.

freelance advertising copywriter on laptop in group workspace

Figure out which writing path is best for you.

woman working on computer on couch

Learn how to write the most in-demand projects today.

Stereotypical hard working writer

Where to find the best projects and what to charge.

Our Mission & Community

We strive to help writers understand where the REAL opportunities are… teach them how to effectively land them… and provide ongoing support and encouragement, so they can succeed with every assignment they take on.

When you become part of the Barefoot Writer Club, you’ll step inside a secret world where writers just like you make great money freelance writing.

Join our unique community of aspiring and established writers, all committed to helping each other reach our writing goals, both big and small.

Find out more on the benefits of joining Barefoot Writer…

Resources for Writers

Is It Hard to Become a Well-Paid Writer?

Becoming a well-paid writer can be hard. Hear how others have done it, and ways to speed up your success.

Can You Make
Money as a Writer?

Find out how by determining your own writing goals and expectations for a successful writing career.

How to Get
 as a Writer

Find out all the details on how to get paid as a new writer. We’ll cover how to set fees, quote projects, and accept payments like a pro.

You Can Make a GREAT Living as a Writer

Get the inside scoop on the Top Careers in Writing

Get Your FREE Career Guide

Discover 9 Ways You Can Make a VERY Good Living as a Writer!

Sign up below and get instant access to your
FREE guide 9 Ways to Make a Real Living as a Writer.

Plus receive our FREE daily newsletter, The Writer’s Life, packed with powerful insights, strategies, and expert advice on how to make a great living through writing.
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