Donna Monnig: June 2014 Writing Challenge Winner
The Secret Identity of … Cinderella. The Disney Princesses get a lot of bad rap these days, but Cinderella was my first hero. Heroic? Cinderella?
The Secret Identity of … Cinderella. The Disney Princesses get a lot of bad rap these days, but Cinderella was my first hero. Heroic? Cinderella?
Snooze, an A.M. Eatery Snooze. Just the name reminds me of lazy Saturday mornings, sleeping in, kicking back in pajamas watching cartoons, and eating Mom’s
April’s Fool After seeing this month’s challenge, I became very excited for I have been party to the most amazing and dramatic April Fool’s Day
No Luck Needed When I saw this month’s Barefoot Writer Challenge, my first thought was “piece of cake.” I’m Irish. My people perfected the good
“You Bring Beauty into My Life” My beloved Adriana, today is Valentine’s Day, so what better time to again express my eternal love for you?
A Day in the Life of a New Barefoot Writer It’s Tuesday, September 1, 2015 — my first official day as a Barefoot Writer. Two
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