It’s True! You Can Make a Very
Good Living as a Writer!
Here Are 9 Ways You Can Do it Now …

Gone are the days when you had to be a “starving artist” to be a writer. And, a writing career no longer has to be something you indulge in after-hours while you work a “real” job.
Those are myths that are all too common …
And, it’s time to let you in on a “secret” world where you can make a living — a very comfortable living — as a writer, and introduce you to the writing opportunities that make it possible.
They’re out there. Some are in industries and niches you never knew existed. And today, we’re going to tackle nine of the best opportunities that will let you earn a very good living as a writer right now … from the comfort of your own home.
But before we jump in, there’s something to consider …
You don’t have to commit to just one opportunity! As you’ll soon see, many of these writing opportunities build on one another. So, if you start down one path, and decide to go down a different one in the future, your experience will help accelerate your success in your new opportunity.
Or, you may decide to go down a few paths rather than just one, and generate multiple revenue streams for yourself.
The writer’s lifestyle is all about flexibility — both in your life, as well as your writing career.
So with that, let’s get started!
To your success,
Rebecca Matter
Co-Managing Partner, AWAI
We’ll Start At The Beginning —
The Foundation Of All
Writing Opportunities …
Put simply, it’s copywriting — which you’ll also hear us refer to as persuasive writing. And, regardless of where you plan to go with your writing, or where you end up, learning how to write persuasively is the foundation of all high-paying writing opportunities.
Copywriting takes many forms …
You see it every day in letters, advertisements, and catalogs you get in the mail, emails from companies you’ve purchased things from, and websites you visit every day.
All the words in those messages were carefully chosen by a copywriter to get you to take a specific action … to persuade you to do something … whether that action is to buy a product, donate to a cause, or sign up for a service. The end result is you — the reader — taking an action.
Good persuasive writing always follows a set of fundamental writing principles that can be easy to learn — given the right tools.
Now, most people think that to be a successful writer you have to be born with a special talent … study the classics … amass a huge vocabulary … and know all the rules of English grammar, usage, etc. Not true! To be a good copywriter, you just have to enjoy writing — and understand the simple rules that go into making strong copy. In fact, some of the best writers in our business have no formal writing background at all. Some barely passed high school English! They just love to write … and they learned the fundamental writing principles I’m talking about.
And once learned, those same principles enable you to choose between many different paths for becoming a successful writer …
Prestige, Freedom, And A Six-Figure Income …
Direct-Response Copywriting —
Helping Businesses Sell Their Products
Or Services to Consumers
Direct-response copywriting is considered to be the granddaddy of persuasive writing, because all other forms of copywriting are variations or spinoffs of this age-old profession. And, it’s the surest way for a writer to reach a six-figure income.
“This career has allowed me to avoid the horrors of a 9-to-5 corporate job for over 30 years.”
– Bob Bly
Just as it sounds, direct-response simply means writing in order to solicit a ‘direct response’ from the reader — one that is both specific and quantifiable.
For example, when you receive a catalog in the mail, with an order form attached … that’s direct response.
Or, when you watch an infomercial and the script has the spokesperson give you an 800-number to call. Once again, that’s direct response.
Basically, any time someone is trying to persuade you to do something,
and can ultimately tell if you did in fact take the action, it’s considered
direct response.
“AWAI, I never imagined my life could change so fast! Within 12 months of signing up for your program, I deposited $103,783 in the bank working from home as a copywriter. Thank you for totally changing life for me and my family!”
– Joshua Boswell,
Springville, UT
It’s also considered a type of advertising. But, it’s not like a clever TV commercial or glossy magazine ad with a catchy logo and slogan. Those are examples of “image” advertising, where rather than trying to get you to take an action, they’re simply trying to raise awareness about a brand or product.
“The biggest myth about direct marketing is that it is somehow ‘sleazy’ compared to general advertising. If anything, the opposite is true,” explains Bob Bly, a legendary direct-response copywriter and AWAI’s 2007 Copywriter of the Year. “Much of direct-response marketing respects the intelligence of consumers, unlike Madison Avenue.”
As a direct-response copywriter, you are seeking an immediate and measurable response to your ad. And if you’re at all competitive, and like to know that your hard work paid off, you’ll love writing direct-response copy because you can see very quickly how well your writing performed.
Another big plus is that this is a huge industry — $2.3 trillion to be exact — with thousands of ways to specialize and leverage your interests and passions. There are plenty of opportunities for newcomers, and when you do break in, the compensation can be quite lucrative.
How lucrative?
Depending on how much you work and the types of projects you are able to land, a six-figure income is definitely attainable. Many wealthy writers — including Bob, who clears over half-a-million dollars annually from his own copywriting business — consider direct-response copywriters to be among the highest-paid freelance writers.
If you’d like to make money writing … take a step toward learning how to write persuasive copy. Discover more about the direct-response copywriting opportunity, and AWAI’s popular Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.
And, persuasive writing is just the first of many writing opportunities …
With the introduction of the Internet, demand for copywriters is continuing to grow …
From emails and landing pages, to websites and Pay-Per-Click ads, a writer proficient in writing direct-response copy has an unending list of potential projects to choose from thanks to the Internet.
Which, of course, brings us to …
Writing Opportunity #2
Writing for the Web — Helping
Businesses Sell Their Products Or Services
To Consumers On The Internet
As a web writer — or online copywriter — you apply the direct-response copywriting principles to online projects. It could be writing a sales email to prospects, writing new copy for a company’s website, writing the little ads that show up on the right-hand side of the page when you search for something on Google … basically all the promotions you see every time you browse the Internet or check your inbox.
The goal is still to get the reader to take an action. The only difference is instead of getting the reader to fill out an order form in a direct-mail package, or have them call an 800-number to place their order, your goal may be to drive traffic to a website … or get someone browsing the Web to sign up for an email subscription … or help your client form a bond with that new subscriber … or get that subscriber to buy something …
At the end of the day, web writing still builds on the fundamental principles of good direct-response copy. You simply learn how to apply those principles to web copy, and voila! You’re now a proficient web writer.
And, the web-writing opportunity is huge …
A recent report by eMarketer predicts e-commerce will grow 13.7% this year and estimates that the total U.S. e-commerce sales in 2015 will reach $269.8 billion …
And as of December, 2011, Netcraft reported 555,482,744 active websites on the Internet — up 29.5 million from the month before.
New businesses are putting up websites every day. And, existing websites continually need to be updated. They are constantly being added to, changed, and improved. Plus, companies are constantly developing new products that need to be added to their website and marketed online. One client can mean an ongoing number of projects.
So, what’s the difference between the direct-response and web-writing copywriting path?
Not much really.
In fact, these days, it’s rare that a direct-response copywriter doesn’t also write web copy. Otherwise, they’d simply be leaving money on the table.
Of course, there are a few more benefits to writing for the Web than
more money …
You’ll have a wide variety of writing assignments to choose from … From short projects like emails and blog posts, to longer, more involved projects like websites and Search Engine Optimization, there’s a wide variety of copy needed by online businesses.
You’ll never be bored … As a web writer, you’re always learning and writing about new things. One day you could be writing an email about something you read in the news, and the next you could be writing a video script for an online video to sell your client’s latest product.
And, you can get started relatively quickly! Thanks to simple, easy-to-learn projects, it’s quite possible to become a web writer and start making money within just few weeks.
And, with over 1 trillion websites indexed by Google, there is an endless supply of opportunity. Learn more about how you can make money writing for the Web.
Although web writing isn’t the only form of copywriting with these benefits …
Writing Opportunity #3
Business-to-Business (B2B) Copywriting —
Helping Businesses
Sell Their Products, Programs, And Services
To Other Businesses Instead Of Consumers
Like web writing, Business-to-Business copywriting builds on the foundation of direct-response copywriting. The difference is that in B2B, you’re not trying to sell directly to consumers. Instead, you’re helping a business sell its products and services to other businesses. And more often than not, the business already knows they need that product or service. They’re just trying to figure out which company to buy it from.
And, that’s where you come in as a B2B copywriter …
You provide the business buyer with the information he needs to make an informed decision. Your job is to explain why your client’s product is better than their competitor’s … whether it be price, functionality, customer
satisfaction, or any other number of factors of interest to the buyer in making a
final decision.
“I had advanced to a point in my sales career where weekly travel was inevitable. I was at the top of my field, earning a great living. But as a new dad, I didn’t want to be away from home all the time. Plus, I was tired of continually rising quotas — 11 years of chasing numbers had worn me out. I was ready for a change. Yet, I didn’t want to sacrifice my family’s financial future.
“AWAI’s programs allowed me to develop the skills I needed to transition from a six-figure sales career into a six-figure copywriting business. I started as a moonlighting freelancer. It wasn’t easy. But 27 months later, I resigned from my full-time job. In my first full year as a freelance B2B copywriter, I earned $163,481.”
– Ed Gandia, Marietta, GA
That means there isn’t much “selling” in B2B copy, which is appealing if selling isn’t your thing. But, that’s not the only reason many copywriters choose the B2B path …
First of all, B2B is a big honkin’ market. According to, there are more than 8 million Business-to-Business companies throughout North America. And, the majority of them need copywriting help — at least occasionally. That means, if you promote yourself effectively and are a good B2B writer, you’re bound to find some great clients. At the very least, you’ll never run out of prospects!
Compared to other copywriting markets, there’s a lot less competition in B2B. Right now, the number of copywriters who write B2B copy is teeny tiny compared to all the companies who need them. So even if you’re a beginner, you have a much greater chance of landing a few
good clients fairly quickly. And, that’s all you need to fill your schedule with well-paying projects.
There’s also a ton of work available. The Business Marketing Association estimates that B2B companies spend more than $85 billion per year and produce a lot of marketing stuff to help sell their products and services … everything from brochures, white papers, and ads to websites, emails, and even Twitter posts.
There is a shortage of qualified B2B writers. Steve Slaunwhite, one of the best B2B copywriters in the business, says he gets calls every week from business owners and marketing managers complaining, “We just can’t seem to find a good B2B writer.”
And finally, you can get started with minimal writing samples. You see, unlike clients in most other copywriting markets, B2B clients don’t hire freelancers based solely on an impressive portfolio. (Although it’s certainly an advantage if you have one.) They look at other credentials as well, such as job experience, education, professional courses taken, etc.
So, if your portfolio is light on samples, you can still get B2B clients interested in your services by highlighting the other things you bring to
the table.
There’s no doubt about it. If you’re just starting out as a new copywriter,
the B2B market is one you should seriously consider, along with writing for the Web.
And, since most B2B companies also market on the Internet, you can easily do both and make even more money — with fewer clients!
Learn more about the vast number of opportunities to make money writing in
the B2B market.
Of course, copywriting isn’t the only opportunity for writers. So now, let’s take
a look at some others …
“Paint-By-Number” Writing Opportunities
The next couple of writing opportunities I’m going to cover involve a writing style that’s far more structured than others. Instead of coming up with creative ideas and writing from scratch, you have the benefit of established templates to follow.
Of course, just like with copywriting, your job is still to persuade someone to take action. The action just doesn’t have anything to do with buying something, now or down the road …
Writing Opportunity #4
Grant Writing — Helping A Cause Secure
The Funding They Need To Stay In Business
As a grant writer, you create proposals for organizations or groups of people that need money.
For instance, let’s say your local school board needs money for new computers. As a grant writer, you’d write a proposal and send it in to the appropriate government organization or foundation that’s offering grants for schools that want to upgrade their technology.
And, here’s why I call this a “paint-by-number” opportunity …
Once the paperwork is filled out correctly, the real “trick” if you will, is in knowing whom to send the proposal to.
That is, matching up the right organizations that need money to the corresponding government agencies and foundations that are looking to grant money for that organization’s specific need.
Literally hundreds of billions are up for grabs every year …
According to the U.S. Government and The Foundation Center, over $544 billion is up for grabs each and every year from thousands of sources.
How Do You Get Paid As A Grant Writer?
Grant writing is very much a choose-your-own-income opportunity. How much you make is really a matter of how much you need to make to have the lifestyle you want.
That said, there are three ways to get paid as a grant writer:
- Go freelance and work with as many organizations as you want, and take on new grant-writing projects whenever you want. For example, you partner with an organization that needs money for a specific project. You determine they need a state government grant of say $350,000. A fair market freelance fee for an experienced grant writer would be in the $10,000 range for a grant of that size.
- Offer your services on an hourly basis. Typical hourly rates for a professional grant writer? As a complete “newbie,” you can charge between $25-$50 an hour, and between $75-$100 an hour after you get a few winning grant proposals “under your belt.”
- Go on retainer. This is where an organization pays you to be “on the lookout” for funding opportunities. And when you do find ones that fit, you also get paid for writing the proposals for them. Depending on the size of the grant you request, you can earn anywhere from $2,000-$20,000.
Plus, there are more than 75,000 foundations that give away billions more every year …
This includes large organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with over $35 billion earmarked for giving.
All the way down to lesser-known family foundations and smaller community funds set up to help places like local food banks and animal shelters with a few thousand dollars at a time.
It’s money that’s available for such diverse things as cancer research to putting computers in schools … from fighting childhood obesity … to more obscure things like funding public skateboard parks in low-income communities, thanks to skateboarder Tony Hawk’s Foundation.
In other words, if a worthwhile organization needs money for a mission — there’s very likely an agency or foundation ready to give it.
And, all they’re looking for are structured proposals from serious and skilled grant writers who know how to follow the procedures necessary to get the money.
Suzanne Mulligan is a former social worker who took up grant writing for nonprofits. “In my experience,” says Suzanne. “This is an overlooked niche that has a lot of room for good writers.”
And, Suzanne’s experiences show just how big and diverse this opportunity is. With her writing, she’s helped combat wife and child abuse and animal cruelty … saved an orchestra … secured income for a water polo team (a few members went on to become Olympic athletes) … and brought in funding for a police program for low-income kids.
As a grant writer, the real secret is to be on top of what government organizations and foundations have money to give away in the form of grants — and create a good match between those and the groups and organizations who need that money.
Combine this with the knowledge of how to write a winning grant proposal and you could be in business by next week.
At that point, it’s just a matter of choosing the organizations who share causes you believe in.
Whether it’s helping protect endangered species … encourage science and innovation among young people … construct a new playground at the grade school … it’s up to you.
Learn more about how you can help organizations and worthy causes while
you make money writing persuasive
grant proposals.
Of course, grant writing isn’t the only opportunity where the writing is easy and you get to help people in the process …
Writing Opportunity #5
Resume Writing — Helping People Find
New Jobs And Opportunities
If you were to ask the next 10 people you spoke to if they were satisfied with their job, what do you think they’d answer?
My guess would be “no.”
“My resume-writing business is ‘exploding’ with over $750 in sales for one week and it’s not even Wednesday yet (not to mention $500 for last week)! I now have eight testimonials in my file already! This is in an economy where jobs here ‘are TIGHT!’
“I’m looking outside my window from home … watching the snow fall on the lawns and I’m working from home!!!!!! Thanks, AWAI … You folks helped make it happen. I don’t miss my old job at ALL!”
– John K.,
Lexington Park, MD
In fact, a recent survey by Right Management found that 84% of employees are planning to look for new and brighter opportunities elsewhere in 2012.
And, another reported that 13.3 million people are either unemployed and looking for work, or they are looking to break into the workforce for the first time.
And, what do these millions of people have in common?
They need a persuasive, effective, professional resume.
And, their need provides a really beneficial writing opportunity for you.
As a resume writer, you get to help all those who are unemployed find a job … and help
those who are dissatisfied find a better job, or finally make the money they deserve.
And, once you learn the system for crafting resumes that get results for clients, and can
bang out a resume quickly, on average you can expect to make about $100 per hour, and upwards of $150 per hour for some projects.
6 Ways to Find Clients for Your Resume Writing Business
- Start with family and close friends. Offer to revamp their resumes for free or nominal cost. Then, in exchange for that favor, ask for testimonials, referrals in return, or ask to use their resumes (excluding their personal information) on your website. Visual “before and after” examples can be very powerful.
- Post your profile on LinkedIn and get those same family and friends to post testimonials and recommendations on there.
- Put up a website for your resume writing business, and link it to LinkedIn.
- Visit temp and search firms and offer resume-writing services at a special price for their candidates.
- Speak at Rotary and Chamber of Commerce events about resumes.
- Tell every single person you talk to about your resume-writing services.
How much you make weekly, monthly, or annually will, of course, depend on how much you want to work.
Just like with grant writing, the system for creating a resume that will get your clients a job is pretty straightforward and will work for everyone from a new college grad to an executive looking for a senior management position. But, says pro resume writer Julien Sharp, you can’t just switch out a name, past jobs, and education from one resume
to another.
“Though there are definitely certain ‘patterns’ to follow when writing resumes, every single one is as different when completed as the person for whom it is being written,” explains Julien. “That is the single most exciting thing about being a resume writer, and why it’s not a ‘boring’ or ‘repetitive’ niche.”
Aside from resumes, Julien specializes in writing what she calls “about copy” for clients. This includes corporate bios, press releases, editing personal essays from college applicants, and more.
Julien says that now is a great time to get in on this opportunity.
“A troubling job market is a great thing for a resume writer,” says Julien. “People out of work for the first time in many years do not have a current resume 99% of the time. Others who realize that their current careers are not going to grow often decide to start a completely new career — and they need a resume that reflects how their experience can apply to a new job.”
Besides helping people land jobs, Julien says the lifestyle is what makes her happy to be a freelance resume writer. Thanks to technology, her clients are all over the world so she can live and work wherever she wants.
“It was a dream of mine to progress in snow skiing — from a groomed-slopes-only type of skier to an expert in any condition, even back country,” says Julien. “We moved to Colorado and I have been able to fulfill this dream with no interruption in my profession! People working ‘on-site’ jobs don’t have this opportunity!”
Along with the demand and simple writing style, people who choose this opportunity often do so because it’s one of the fastest to break into. With the right training, you can literally be in business in just a matter of days.
Learn more about how you can make money while you write resumes that help others land their dream job.
Of course, all persuasive writing opportunities aren’t just about the money. There are some that really allow you to indulge in some of your passions … like traveling or taking photographs. And, while I know that second one isn’t really ‘writing’ per se … no one ever said you have to write in order to live the writer’s life! But, more on that in just a minute …
Getting Paid to Indulge In Your Passions
Imagine if traveling the world on somebody else’s dime was part of your “job” description?
For some independent writers, it is …
Writing Opportunity #6
Travel Writing — Helping Destinations
Attract New Visitors
For many, a vacation means an opportunity to spend money. But for travel writers, a vacation can be an opportunity to make money instead.
They span the globe, writing about their travels for websites, magazines, and other types of publications. And, if you have a passion for travel AND for writing, this opportunity may be just up your alley.
With travel writing, your main goal is to help readers connect emotionally with the place you are writing about. So once again, you’re tapping into the powers of persuasion taught through copywriting. (I told you it’s the foundation of all writing opportunities!)
Jen Stevens, who happens to also be a copywriter, has been a travel writer for years.
“Perhaps the best ‘unsung’ benefit of being a travel writer is the fact that your travel experience is so much richer than it ever is when you just wander around as a tourist,” says Jen. “Travel writing demands you notice more, that you stop and take stock of where you are, what you see, what you smell.”
And, don’t forget the perks. Once a hotel, restaurant, or spa finds out you’re a travel writer (feel free to tell them!) expect to bombarded with perks and freebies. After all, to write honestly about something, you have to experience it, right?
A few years ago, Jen took her family to Roatan, Honduras, an island in the Caribbean. The first week was “work,” taken up by interviews, touring homes, and gathering details for her project. But, the second week was spent relaxing with the family, and as Jen puts it, eating a lot of lobster and fresh fish. She made enough selling her stories to cover the airfare and most of the stay.
Now at first glance, travel writing may seem more ‘literary’ than other persuasive writing opportunities. But, says Jen, that’s not a requirement. In fact, a lot of travel writing is actually very straightforward like copywriting.
Says Jen: “So much of the sort of travel articles editors are looking for these days are just ‘utilitarian’ for lack of a better word. Say you have a friend going to visit a place you took a trip to last year. You’d send that friend an email with some advice and suggestions about what to see and do. Well, if you can do that, you can write a ‘utilitarian’ travel article. And, get paid for it.”
“In November, my article, ‘Low Cost Laguna,’ was published on Travel Post Monthly and I just learned I won a contest and my article, ‘Mystery Hill,’ was published in the January/February issue of Yankee Magazine. What a tremendous program you’ve put together.”
– Laraine Beck,
Clairmont, CA
Learn more about how you can get paid to explore the world: The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program.
Of course, if you want to make a little more money for those same articles, you may want to consider snapping a few photos on your vacation, and including them with your submission. Jen tells me it’s an easy way to add a few hundred dollars to every article you write.
And, here’s another way to make money from your photos …
Writing Opportunity #7
Stock Photography — Helping Writers Tell
The Story Through Pictures
For many people, photography is a treasured hobby. They’d never imagine that they could make money by selling their photos. That’s reserved for those with years of training and a studio full of professional equipment, right?
Actually, no. To sell your photos, and make as much as several thousand dollars a month doing it, you just need a few simple secrets behind taking photos that sell. And I’m not talking about photos taken with fancy gear …
“It’s a myth that you need expensive equipment to get started,” says Lori Allen, director of AWAI’s Travel Division. “Sure, you might want to upgrade later. But, you can get started with a simple point-and-shoot camera and take photos for a lot of different markets.”
You can sell photos you’ve take at home, in the backyard, in your town, a natural area nearby … not to mention on your next vacation.
By selling photos to online stock agencies, you can create a passive income stream that will last for years. Stock photos are used all over the world by print and online publications. Every time somebody buys your photo online, you get a cut of money. The more stock photos you have, the more you make. These royalties, which might be only 40 cents per sale, really can add up to thousands of dollars over a relatively short period of time.
“A lot of people think that the best photographers sell the most. In truth, it’s simply those that try. Often, the really talented go penniless, while the ones who give it a try find success,” says Lori.
So, if you have a passion for taking pictures, you may be able to reach independence without ever writing a single world.
Learn more about how to Turn Your Pictures Into Cash.
Now, I know this opportunity was a little “outside the box.” But, so is being a successful freelance writer!
And, that way of thinking brings me to our final two opportunities …
Both of which have one big thing in common … and for some, it’s a major benefit.
No clients!
The Client-Free Zone
Some writers fear the thought of having to market themselves and find clients. And, while there are plenty of free tools for finding clients through AWAI, as well as programs that teach you everything you need to know, some writers prefer a more reclusive lifestyle, where it’s just them and their words …
These last two opportunities still allow you to indulge in your love of writing. But, the big difference is you’ll be writing to attract your own customers, rather than someone else’s. Which brings me to another big benefit …
Because it’s your business … you get to keep all the money.
Writing Opportunity #8
Information Publishing — Providing The Information People Are Looking For
What Kind of Qualifications Do You Need?
There are no life experiences and no type of education that you have to have to be a writer. However, according to Gary Scott, there are two traits that can help make you successful: empathy and a keen sense of observation.
If you can figure out what people need or are concerned about, you’ll be able to publish products that help them and know that the demand is already there.
One way Gary does this is to read the bestseller lists in USA Today and The New York Times. He says it helps him become aware of what people are thinking since most books on the bestseller list get there because of word of mouth, i.e., one reader telling another reader to buy it because he enjoyed it.
When you hear the word “publisher,” you might picture a huge company, with hundreds of employees pumping out hardcover books, national magazines, and big city newspapers.
But the truth is, the Internet has made it possible for anyone with a computer to become a publisher in their own right. The passion comes in when you decide what you’re going to publish. Every day, people seek out information on all sorts of topics. And more than likely, there will be an audience for information on one of your main interests in life.
Keep in mind, we’re not talking about self-publishing your novel here. It’s much more than book publishing, although that can be part of it. We’re talking about selling information in any format.
You can publish DVDs, training programs, newsletters, pamphlets, cookbooks, calendars, reports, how-to programs … whatever suits you.
As a publisher, you can write, compile, or record the information yourself …
you can hire writers … or you can reprint information. It’s totally up to you.
Gary Scott, and his wife Merri, have been in publishing for decades. They got in because of the tremendous profit potential and the high margin of safety. And, of course, the freedom it gave them to live life on their own terms. They became millionaires years ago. They split their time between North Carolina, Ecuador, and Florida.
More important than the money … they do what they love every single day. Their goal is to help their readers thrive in the constantly changing world around us.
“Though the subjects in our projects seem to range from natural health … to global, funky micro-businesses … to multi-currency investing … to super thinking through frequency modulation … to self-publishing and Ecuador … to shamanic balance,” explains Gary. “They are all about one thing: how life is frequency … how frequency is change … and how to embrace and prosper from change.”
You can do the same in your own publishing. Find your passion in life and turn it into your own business. Work won’t feel like work.
In their worst years, Gary and Merri made $300,000-$400,000. In their best years, they make millions of dollars.
The amount you make really depends on three factors:
- How much you want to work
- How quickly you can come up with ideas of what to publish
- How fast you can execute those ideas and turn them into products
You’re in total control with this opportunity.
And, going back to the power of persuasion
and copywriting, if you can write copy to sell your own products, the earning potential goes up and up.
Learn more about Self Publishing: Your
Complete Business Plan for Creating a
Life Without Borders.
And, that leads me to our last and final opportunity that fits all the criteria required by aspiring writers …
Writing Opportunity #9
Money-Making Website Writer — The Easiest
Way To Run An Online Business
This final opportunity is similar to information publishing, in that you’re writing about a topic people are interested in learning more about …
However, it requires very little time and effort on your part.
Rather than writing and publishing various types of materials, you simply write to your heart’s content about one of the big passions in your life, and publish the material on a single information website — something we call a “Money-Making Website.”
It could be a hobby you’ve had for years, like organic gardening. Or, maybe an interest you’ve become somewhat of an expert in over the years, like ways to save money when you travel.
Somewhere on the Internet, someone is searching for information on that very topic. And, with your Money-Making Website, you will soon become their go-to resource.
Your website provides free information, as well as opportunities to visit other websites or buy items that are related to your topic.
Why You Should Consider Writing a Money-Making Website …
BESIDES the Money You’ll Make!
- You’ll learn a lot about a topic you love — When you start out, you don’t have to be an expert in your particular topic (you just have to enjoy writing about it).
- You’ll expand your online business skills substantially — This is hands-down the easiest way to run an online business, and if you make your living writing for the Web (or one day hope to), this is great way to acquire a better understanding of how to improve your client’s site.
- You’ll be helping people out — Your website will provide people with the solutions and information they are searching for. And, you’ll be appreciated for it.
- It will make you a better writer — Writing is like everything else, the more you do it, the better you become at it. Plus, many people find that the more they write, the faster they’re able to write.
- You can work on it at your own pace — You are in complete control of when you work and how hard you work. If one week you can’t find time to work on your site, it’s no big deal. It’s always there waiting for you.
Although doing it for the money is definitely a worthy reason, too …
You can turn something you love to do in your spare time into $750 … $1,500 … $3,500 and upward per month. Money that comes in whether you’re working, sleeping, playing golf, or relaxing on the beach.
Whenever someone takes advantage of those opportunities, you make money.
Nick Usborne, for example, has an information website all about gourmet coffee, one of his big interests. He has tips for brewing a perfect cup, and reviews of coffee makers and types of coffee. And, if people are interested in learning more, he has links to the products he talks about.
When a visitor clicks a link to learn more about a particular coffee maker, they are taken to that company’s website. The company handles order processing and customer service, and sends Nick a check in return.
It’s the easiest way to run an online business. All you have to do is write. And, you don’t have to write every day to make money. As soon as you’re established, your site will run itself, and the pages you write will continue to generate revenue for as long as you have the website.
Nick’s coffee site brings in about $50,000 a year. But, he only spends a few hours a week on his site — he works full-time as a copywriter. And, it has given Nick real financial security — while having fun. Explains Nick:
“I enjoy it. And on the money side, it makes a big difference. Each month,
I know that my mortgage, car payments, utilities, and more will all be
taken care of by the income from my coffee site. That’s pretty amazing,
and means I don’t have to worry about next month’s bills.”
Learn How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites and create a successful, income-generating website based on something you enjoy.
Check out the latest edition of the Money-Making Websites Success Catalog, featuring real websites launched by real people who’ve learned how to build a passive income stream from Nick Usborne.
** Special Offer **
Join The Barefoot Writer’s Club and
Start Making a Great Living as a Writer
(Exclusive offer: 50% off … Free Library …
AND 1-year no-risk guarantee!)
At AWAI, we’ve helped a lot of people eager to leave the work-a-day world move up to very different (and far more rewarding) lives as successful freelance writers.
These folks no longer have jobs in the traditional sense: They have no bosses, no commute, and no place to be at any given time.
Many are retirees and stay-at-home moms who now are able to generate a substantial extra income in just a few hours a day.
They make their own schedule … and leave plenty of time for things they enjoy most: family, hobbies, travel, you name it.
And many tell us they’re making far more money than they ever did working a “regular” J-O-B – anywhere from $50,000 on a part-time basis … to upwards of $100,000, $250,000 and $500,000 a year!
Here’s a way for you to join them … to “ease in” to the writer’s life without having to make any kind of big commitment.
It’s an invitation to join a very special group of people who can help you learn what it takes to earn a six-figure income as a writer, while enjoying the kind of lifestyle most people only dream about.
We call this group The Barefoot Writer’s Club, and as a member
- The best ways to make money as a writer …
- Which writing opportunities are the easiest to break into and which ones pay the most …
- What kinds of skills you need to land the best-paying gigs …
- How to start a career as a well-paid writer …
- How to find clients …
- What you can expect from clients, and how to ensure your projects always run smoothly …
- And so much more!
Plus for a limited time, when you join The Barefoot Writer, you’ll receive 8 free special reports:

You get all this – and more surprises – for the Charter Member price of just $49. (Note: This is a limited time price offer that may end at any time.)
You can become a Barefoot Writer. Your journey starts today.
[button color=”orange” link=”″ ]Join Now!
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It’s Time For You To Make Money Writing.
The 9 Top Home-Based Business Opportunities
that Will Allow
You to Work from Anywhere in the World,
and Make a Very Good Living, Writing.
And, just in case you haven’t made up your mind which opportunity suits you best, here’s a quick recap for you:
Opportunity #1: Copywriting
If you can write a simple letter to a friend, you can make a living working for yourself as a copywriter. With proven copywriting secrets you learn in AWAI’s Accelerated Program
for Six-Figure Copywriting, you can join the ranks of copywriters earning $40,000, $70,000, $100,000, $200,000 or more a year.
Discover a fun, satisfying career writing promotional letters for the $2.3 trillion direct-response industry. These are the same letters you see in your mailbox and get via email every day. These letters earn millions of dollars for the companies that send them — and those companies pay handsomely for a skilled copywriter to write them … why not you?
Opportunity #2: Writing for the Web
Learn how to become an in-demand online copywriter for companies big and small. Copywriting 2.0: Your Complete Guide to Writing Web Copy that Converts is unlike any other program you may have seen or heard of. In this program, web copywriting expert Nick Usborne shows you how to dramatically improve any web page, email campaign, or e-newsletter. In four clearly-written sections, Nick breaks down what it takes to write copy on the Web that will drive traffic, grab attention, and yield conversions. That all adds up to bigger success for your client and more money in your pocket.
And, as part of Copywriting 2.0, Nick has generously agreed to include 16 training videos which will show you the ropes, step-by-step. You’ll learn about how to ensure your client’s website has the best chance possible of getting seen by search engines like Google; free tools available to help strengthen your copy; how best to deliver your web copy ideas to your clients; and much, much more.
Opportunity #3: Business-to-Business Copywriting
Business-to-Business (B2B) copywriters help businesses sell their products and services to other businesses, rather than to consumers. B2B companies are often desperate to find skilled copywriters who understand their needs and can give them clear, concise, compelling copy that motivates the business buyer.
If you want to break into this lucrative market — a $6.5 trillion industry with generous pay scales, plentiful work, and scarce competition — you definitely want to check out AWAI’s program tailored to the needs of the business copywriter. Secrets of Writing High-Performance B2B Copy was created by veteran B2B copywriter and acclaimed author, Steve Slaunwhite. Steve reveals everything you need to know to succeed as a B2B copywriter from marketing your services to writing copy and everything in between.
Opportunity #4: Grant Writing
Grant Writing Success: Opening the Door to Financial Opportunity is designed to take you from where you are now — someone who may have never known about grant writing as a potential career before now — to having everything you need to open your own full- or part-time business — to ready to submit a successful grant proposal on behalf of any organization you choose.
And, with over $544 billion available in grants, a vast quantity of organizations who need that money to survive, and a low supply of skilled grant writers who can help them get it … it’s a niche with an endless number of clients for you to help, and the most rewarding path to a six-figure income.
Opportunity #5: Resume Writing
Writing resumes is fun, quick, and easy. And, The Pro
Resume Writer Program is hands down the best program on the market for showing you step-by-step how to launch and run a successful spare-time or full-time resume writing business. And, with 60 million people who need a persuasive, effective, professional resume, there’s never been a better time to start.
Opportunity #6: Travel Writing
Duane and Harlene Harm were just your ordinary retirees — bored with golf and looking for a sideline to keep them busy. After taking AWAI’s The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program, they spent the following summer traveling to 23 dude ranches in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, staying for free an average of three days at each ranch. The total value of their summer stays? About $55,000 … and they didn’t pay anything. Not one cent.
If you’ve ever dreamed about the romantic life of a travel writer … of getting paid to explore the world … here’s your chance to actually live it. Get paid to travel the world as a professional freelance travel writer. Learn tips about writing articles that sell and how to find the best story on every trip.
And with the new and improved online fourth edition of The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program, you’ll get quick and easy access to convenient, downloadable chapters, new audio clips, and extra bonus tips to help you get paid to travel and make money even faster. And, you’ll discover how to increase your fees by selling photos to accompany your articles.
Opportunity #7: Stock Photographer
Can you take a simple photograph? If yes, you could make $200 to $2,000 a week taking snapshots in your own backyard … on your family vacations … or anywhere in the world you care to travel.
You don’t need fancy equipment. And, you don’t need to know a thing about photography to get started. Turns out all you really need are the few simple secrets behind taking the kinds of photos that sell best. They’re easy to learn. And, you can make $150 … $400 … even $800 per sale … Inside Turn Your Pictures Into Cash: A Comprehensive Program in Taking and Selling Amazing Photographs, you’ll discover the secrets behind taking great, marketable photographs that can earn you a steady income and transform your lifestyle.
Opportunity #8: Information Publisher
With Self Publishing: Your Complete Business Plan for Creating a Life Without Borders, you’ll find fulfillment, fun, and freedom as a six-figure information publisher. You’ll get AWAI’s own proprietary plan for getting your publishing business going right away, whether it’s full- or part-time. Plus, you’ll learn all the steps … from creating the perfect product to effectively marketing it online.
Opportunity #9: Money-Making Website Writer
In How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, Nick Usborne gives you his proven, step-by-step process for creating websites around your current passions, so they generate a passive income for you — money that comes in whether you’re working or on the beach. It’s easy to learn and only takes a few hours a week to make an extra $750, $2,500, $5,000 or more a month. No techie skills required! View an inspirational catalog of Money-Making Websites — real-life success stories and learn how you, too, can turn your passion into money.
And, there you have it.
NINE ways you can make a very good living as a writer this year …
NINE opportunities you can pursue to make a very good living writing … while enjoying the freedom to live your life any way you please.
Now is the time for you to make money writing from anywhere in the world … launch an exciting home-based business following your passions … AND put money in your pocket, month after month, for the rest of your life.
So, which opportunity will you choose?
“I’m sure my husband, Ward, thought my jaw would hit the floor when he trudged in after work one evening and announced that he’d lost his job. I’m sure he expected me to panic.
“Instead, his jaw hit the floor when, without a hitch, I declared, ‘Awesome! Now we can open our studio early!’ I was ecstatic. Now he could follow his dream of being a full-time photographer after years of squeezing his photography passion around a 14-hour workday.
“And, one of the reasons we can follow it, is because of the copywriting and graphic design business I’ve built with the help of AWAI. My family wouldn’t be on this adventure without it, and it feels really good to know my business can finance much of the investment in our new studio. Most important, it feels GREAT that I can help Ward follow his dream.
“I often get emails from people asking if it is really possible to build a successful copywriting business. My answer is unequivocally ‘YES!’ Not only can you succeed … you just might be able to help someone else follow their dream!”
– Kammy Thurman, Laurel, MT
Rebecca Matter:
Connecting People With Profitable
Work-at-Home Careers

“I consider myself lucky … I’m inspired every day by the AWAI members who are reinventing their lives, and achieving their dreams of financial security, independence, and the freedom to live and work where they choose.
“It’s exhilarating to know that even in today’s economic climate, we provide a solution for people who want to escape the 9-to-5 cubicle lifestyle, and become in-demand professionals, running their own business — and their own life — on their own terms.
“My vision for AWAI was recently brought to life with the addition of AWAI’s web division, providing the programs and tools needed to train our members how to write for the ever-changing web, identify new revenue streams for their businesses, find and work with new clients, and make money online.”
Rebecca Matter is a Co-Managing Partner and Director of Online Marketing for American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI), the world’s leading trainer of direct-response copywriters and graphic designers. A marketer with over a decade of experience in publishing and direct-marketing, Rebecca has spearheaded successful million-dollar campaigns for countless products, both online and off, and has spoken and written on topics ranging from getting and working with clients to successful web marketing strategies. She’s dedicated herself to keeping AWAI members ahead of the curve … and in demand … by creating cutting-edge programs on the most marketable web skills today. Her latest venture, Wealthy Web Writer, gives readers the tools, tips, and techniques they need to write effective web copy, identify new revenue streams for their businesses, find and work with new clients, and make money online. Contact Rebecca at
*** EXTRA Bonus Report ***
One of the best paying gigs for writers is freelance copywriting. And this report, Copywriting 101 – An Introduction to Turning Your Writing Passion Into a High-Paying Career, will give you a more detailed idea of the benefits and advantages of this line of work. It also includes examples of how copywriting has changed the lives of so many AWAI members.
And if you have any questions about either report, or any of the opportunities covered, don’t hesitate to contact us at or at