
Your registration is complete!

We’d like to take a moment to say thank you for registering, and for becoming a valued member of our Barefoot Writer Club.

This membership site is yours and is COMPLETELY FREE to you as a current member. Consider it an upgrade in membership status … but with ZERO additional fees. 

It’s our way of showing you we appreciate you, and that we want to see you succeed. 

To make sure that happens, here are some of the perks you’ll enjoy as part of this Barefoot Writer Membership Site: 

  • Exclusive, how-to webinars that take you all the way from setting up your website to setting your fees
  • Behind-the-scenes reports on hurdles other writers have overcome (so you can scale challenges faster or skip them altogether)
  • More one-on-one interaction with fellow writers, both new and experienced, ready to answer all your questions
  • Insider cuts into podcast recordings and extended interview clips with industry experts
  • Shortcuts to all the Barefoot Writer Magazine archives we’ve built over the years — no more sifting through past issues; you’ll have the info you need in seconds 

And that’s just the beginning! We’ll be adding more content and privileges as we go, all designed to address your specific needs.

So now that you’re registered, here are a few things to know …

When logged in to the site, you’ll notice two new options on your navigation menu: “Start Here” and “Club Members.”

Start Here

The items in the Start Here drop-down menu are designed to guide you through some of the most common questions we get, namely, help with choosing which path to take, as well as a quick primer on getting clients

Also, this is where you’ll find out about one of the things that can make the biggest difference in your success … connecting with fellow writers in The Barefoot Writer Club community. We’ve got a vibrant and helpful community of like-minded folks, and we can’t wait for you to join us! The links on the Community page will show you how to start making those connections.

Finally, on our Member FAQ page, you’ll have the opportunity to get more answers to common questions.

Club Members

The content listed under the Club Members menu will be a fun mix of old and new, with many of the most popular tips and articles from your member magazine, and all easily accessible.

In addition, as new things get added, you’ll also find them in the Club Members drop-down menu.

We encourage you to check it out! 

If you ever want to return to this page, just click Start Here on the main navigation menu.

For any other questions, simply send us an email at info@thebarefootwriter.com, or call Member Services at U.S. toll-free 866-879-2924 (or outside the U.S., call 561-278-5557) during normal business hours.

Now, have a look around the site, and make sure to head on over to our members-only private Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/BarefootWriter/ (you’ll need to be logged in to Facebook). If you’ve never visited, you’ll have to request access, but don’t worry, we’ll grant you access as quickly as possible. Once that’s done, pop in and say hello and introduce yourself!

We’re so glad you’ve joined our community of writers, and we look forward to helping you achieve freedom-filled living through well-paid writing.

To your success!